• What does it mean when your olive oil is bitter?
  • Why do some olive oils taste spicy with a slight throat burn at the end?
  • Cold pressed olive oil
  • Olive oil polyphenols
  • Real extra virgin olive oil
  • What does gravity filtering mean?

Bitterness and pungency are positive attributes related to the quality of extra virgin olive oil. These attributes are directly linked to the amount of polyphenols present in the olive oil.

Bitterness in my olive oil?

According to its definition, bitter is the elemental flavor characteristic of oil obtained from green olives. The chemicals responsible for this taste are the phenolic compounds, their presence or not in the olive oil will cause this attribute to be found to a greater or lesser degree. 

The polyphenols give the olive oil a bitter taste due to the oleuropein, a polyphenol exclusive to olive oil.

Spicy taste with slight throat burn.

When we speak of pungency, we refer to the sensation of a burn in your throat, a characteristic of oils obtained at the beginning of the harvest, especially of green olives.

Pungency is due to the presence of oleocanthal, another olive oil polyphenol, with anti-inflammatory effects similar to ibuprofen.

High-quality extra virgin olive oil must be bitter and spicy to be real extra virgin olive oil. Its intensity will depend mainly on the type of olive and the harvesting period, as well as other factors.

Olive Oils from green olives have a high content of phenolic compounds (polyphenols).

Cold pressed olive oil

processed exclusively by mechanical means.

without industrial refining processes.

First of all, we would like to clarify: when we talk about first cold pressed olive oil we mean that a press has been used to obtain it, but to be exact we should call it first extraction olive oil. Currently, all commercial olive oils are obtained by more sophisticated industrial machinery, and therefore we should not call them pressed olive oils. Most olive oils that are labeled “cold press” are mislabeled.

Aside from the efficiency, it is also a question of hygiene and food safety.  Presses in general are not sanitary.

High-quality extra virgin olive oil is obtained by first cold extraction to alter as little as possible the flavor and the original properties of the fruit, producing a natural olive fruit juice. However, not all extra virgin olive oils are obtained in this manner leading to lesser quality.

Cold extraction is a technique that generates the best possible quality olive oil, rich in aromas and flavors, and very pleasant to the palate.

Olive oil polyphenols

The fact that an olive oil is bitter and spicy is the result of the presence of polyphenolic substances. The greater the presence of polyphenols, the greater the intensity of that bitter and pungent taste.

Extra virgin olive oil has gained in the last years a prominent place in the panorama of healthy foods, thanks to the high concentration of polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants with many benefits for our health.

For this reason, bitterness and pungency are considered positive characteristics: they are, in fact, the litmus test for the presence of polyphenols in the oil.

Unfortunately, most of the time, the presence of polyphenols is poorly understood by consumers. Being bitter and spicy are not defects but great virtues of a high-quality extra virgin olive oil.

These extra virgin olive oils with complex and decisive features present:

- intense and persistent fruity and vegetable aromas

- the flavor is full of pungent and bitter harmonic tones.

Real extra virgin olive oil

It is important to understand that an extra virgin olive oil with bitter and pungent characteristics, contains a wide range of compounds, called minors, that provide huge health benefits unlike any other fat in our diet.

The highly positive health benefits make extra virgin olive oil an extraordinarily unique product.
The amount of these compounds is determined, firstly, by the olive variety from which olive oil is extracted; And, subsequently, by various agronomic and technological factors.

On the other hand, if we learn to appreciate them, these characteristics also produce pleasant sensations. So be thankful that bitterness and pungency are present in your olive oil!

As part of the positive attributes, there are also several olfactory aromas capable of characterizing and typifying the different types of extra virgin olive oils. For example, aromatic vegetable and floral notes (herb, herbs, flowers, tomato, artichoke, apple, banana, berries, almond, pepper ...).

Polyphenols have a high antioxidant effect, unique among vegetable fats, retarding the aging and oxidation of the cells in our body.

If your Olive Oil has no bitterness and no end bite, it is not high-quality oil, it is not Extra Virgin and it provides little health benefits!

Gravity-filtered olive oil

The term typically refers to olive oil that has been clarified naturally by allowing the oil to settle over time, using gravity to separate the oil from sediments, water, and other impurities.

Here’s how it works:

  1. After the oil is extracted, it contains fine particles of olive pulp and water.
  2. Instead of filtering it mechanically (with filters or centrifuges), the oil is placed in large tanks or vats and allowed to rest.
  3. Over time, the heavier particles and water settle to the bottom, leaving the clarified oil on top.

Key Features of Gravity-Filtered Olive Oil:

  • No mechanical filtration: This preserves the oil's natural flavors and nutrients, appealing to those who prefer minimally processed products.
  • Smoother texture: The natural settling process can result in a slightly smoother oil compared to some aggressively filtered versions.
  • Premium perception: Some producers market gravity-filtered oil as a high-quality or artisanal product.
  • Longer process: It can take weeks or months for the natural separation to complete, making it less practical for large-scale commercial production.

Comparison to Other Methods:

  • Unfiltered (cloudy) olive oil: Unfiltered oil skips any kind of filtration or settling, leaving it cloudy and more perishable.
  • Mechanically filtered oil: This is done using pads, paper, or centrifuges to quickly remove impurities, producing a clear, stable product.

Gravity-filtered olive oil is valued for its traditional and natural appeal. However, it’s less common because of the time investment required and the loss of some oil volume to sediment.